Older Quakes

2003 December 29,Caldwell, NSW, ML 3.5
1331 UTC, 144.6°E, 35.6°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Tuesday, December 30 12:31am AEDT)
This earthquake occurred near Caldwell, about 30 kilometres west of Deniliquin and 250 kilometres north of Melbourne.

2003 December 11, Moss Vale, NSW, ML 4.2
1019 UTC, 150.4°E, 34.5°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Thursday, December 11 9:19pm AEDT)
This earthquake occurred near Moss Vale, about 100 kilometres south of Sydney. It has been reported felt in Bowral, Canberra, and as far north as Katoomba and north shore Sydney. An earthquake of this size may be felt strongly up to a distance of about 30 kilometres, and may be felt out to distances of up to 120 kilometres. The intensity at the epicentre is estimated to be MMI 5, and damage to well built structures in the epicentral area is unlikely. At least four aftershocks occurred in the few hours following the main event, and their magnitudes have been between 1.7 and 2.6. This magnitude 4.2 earthquake is the largest to occur in this area since a magnitude 5.6 earthquake occurred in the area in 1961. At that time damage was caused in Robertson, Moss Vale and Bowral.

2003 December 01, Cooma, NSW, ML 2.9
1429 UTC, 149.3°E, 36.2°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Monday, December 01 1:29am AEDT)
This earthquake occurred East of Cooma in the Snowy Mountains.

2003 November 26, Dalton, NSW, ML 3.1
0439 UTC, 146.3°E, 34.8°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Wednesday November 26 3:39pm AEDT)
This earthquake occurred east of Yass in central New South Wales.

2003 August 19, Queenstown, Tas, ML 2.5
1630 UTC, 145.5°E, 42.1°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Wednesday, August 20 at 2:30am AEST)
This earthquake occurred near Queenstown in the southwest of Tasmania. The earthquake was felt in Queenstown, Gormanstown and Lake Margaret, indicating that the event was probably shallow given the calculated magnitude of 2.5.

2003 July 11, Cootamundra, NSW, ML 3.2
0818 UTC, 147.8°E, 34.6°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Friday, July 11 at 6:18pm AEST)
This earthquake occurred near Cootamundra in southern NSW.

2003 July 11, Cootamundra, NSW, ML 2.9
0302 UTC, 147.8°E, 34.6°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Friday, July 11 at 1:02 pm AEST)
This earthquake occurred near Cootamundra in southern NSW.

2003 July 07, Off Lakes Entrance, Vic, ML 2.9
0935 UTC, 148.1°E, 38.3°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Monday, July 7 at 7:35 pm AEST)
This event occurred offshore about 45 km south of Lakes Entrance, near Halibut oil rig. It has not been reported as felt.

2003 July 03, Berridale, NSW, ML 2.6 and ML 1.7
1225 UTC and 2301 UTC, 148.8°E, 36.4°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Thursday, July 3 at 10:25 pm AEST and Friday, July 4 at 09:01 am AEST)
Two earthquakes occurred about 6 km west of Berridale in the Snowy Mountains region. The first and largest event was felt near Berridale,The second earthquake was of magnitude ML 1.7 at 09:01 am AEST the following day.

2003 May 17, Mt Jagungal, NSW, ML 2.7
0651 UTC, 148.5°E, 36.2°S, 5km deep [MEL]
(Saturday, May 17 at 4:51 pm AEST)
This event occurred in the Snowy Mountains region near Mt Jagungal, in the Kosciuszko National Park. The earthquake was felt near the northern end of Lake Jindabyne,

2003 May 9, Bonnie Doon, Vic, ML 2.6
0638 UTC, 145.8°E, 37.0°S, 20km deep [MEL]
(Friday, May 9 at 4:38 pm AEST)
This relatively deep event occurred near Bonnie Doon, about 120km northeast of Melbourne. At this depth, the earthquake is unlikely to be felt widely.

2003 April 24, Boolarra South, Vic, ML 3.2
2215 UTC, 146.3°E, 38.6°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Friday, April 25 at 8:15 am AEST)
This event is the yet another earthquake in the current sequence of activity near Boolarra South in the South Gippsland area of Victoria’s southeast. This event was felt near Boolarra South and was followed by another earthquake in the same area of magnitude ML 2.4 at 2218 UTC.

2003 April 22, Boolarra South, Vic, ML 3.3
0739 UTC, 146.2°E, 38.6°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Tuesday, April 22 at 5:39 pm AEST)
This event is the largest so far in the current sequence of activity near Boolarra South in the South Gippsland area of Victoria’s southeast. It follows four smaller events that occurred on April 14.

2003 April 14, Boolarra South, Vic, ML 2.9
2136 UTC, 146.2°E, 38.5°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Tuesday, April 15 at 7:36 am AEST)
Following three smaller events that occurred the night before, this magnitude 2.9 earthquake has been reported felt in Budgeree. These earthquakes are occurring in an area of Victoria that has had minor swarms of activity over the years. The most recent spate of activity in this area occurred in late 2000. The largest event in that series was of magnitude 4.6 and was preceeded by several foreshocks. In late 2002 another moderate event occured nearby in the Gippsland region, this time near Fish Creek, with a magnitude of 3.8.

2003 April 10, Off Cape Liptrap, Vic, ML 4.0
0711 UTC, 145.9°E, 39.3°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Thursday, April 10 at 05:11 pm AEST)
This earthquake occurred off-coast, about 40km south of Cape Liptrap, about 180km southeast of Melbourne.

2003 April 6, San Remo, Vic, ML 2.6
2330 UTC, 145.4°E, 38.6°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Monday, April 7 at 09:30 am AEST)
This earthquake occurred off-coast, about 10km south of San Remo, about 90km southeast of Melbourne. No felt reports have yet been received.

2003 March 10, Moulamein, NSW, ML 3.3
1228 UTC, 144.1°E, 35.1°S, 14km deep [MEL]
(Monday, March 10 at 11:28 pm AEDT)
This earthquake occurred near Moulamein, about 300km north of Melbourne. The earthquake was about 60km northeast of the nearest major town, Swan Hill. The last largest earthquake recorded in this region was the magnitude 4.8 earthquake near Swan Hill in October 2001.

2003 February 2, Blackwood, Vic, ML 2.8
0935 UTC, 144.3°E, 37.5°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Sunday, February 02 at 08:35 pm AEDT)
This earthquake occurred about 5 kilometres southeast of Blackwood, or about 66 kilometres northwest of Melbourne. It was felt by several people in the Blackwood area.

2003 January 25, Mt. Gambier, SA,
ML 3.0
 – 1037 UTC, 140.6°E, 38.1°S, deep [MEL]
(Saturday, January 25 at 09:37 pm AEDT)
ML 2.4 – 1151 UTC, 140.6°E, 38.1°S, deep [MEL]
(Saturday, January 25 at 10:51 pm AEDT)
These earthquakes occurred about 35 kilometres southwest of Mt. Gambier, or about 395 kilometres southeast of Adelaide. Both were very deep by Australian standards at depths almost certainly greater than 30 km, although poor seismograph coverage limits accuracy of depth estimates. Previous earthquakes in this area have also been deep. It is the area with youngest volcanic activity in Australia.

2003 January 25, Albury, NSW, ML 2.6
0303 UTC, 147.0°E, 36.0°S, shallow depth [MEL]
(Saturday, January 25 at 02:03 pm AEDT)
This earthquake occurred about 13 kilometres northeast of Albury, or about 210 kilometres southwest of Canberra. It was felt by many people in Albury and Wodonga, especially in the northern suburbs of Albury. This area has experienced several similar events over the past 30 years.

2003 January 14, Murrumbateman, NSW, ML 3.2
1343 UTC, 149.1°E, 35.1°S, normal depth [MEL]
(Wednesday, January 15 at 12:43 am AEDT)
This earthquake occurred about 12 kilometres southeast of Murrumbateman, or about 30km northwest of Canberra.