It’s the end of our first visit to AGU, and we had a great time. It was so great to bring something new and exciting to the global seismological community. Quick Quake is like nothing anyone had ever seen before, and the looks on people’s faces as they watched the seismograms ease into place as they spun the dial was priceless. Our little Gecko seismograph also generated interest for its tiny size and simplicity.
The opportunity for Quick Quake to be a powerful educational tool is there – now we just need to get some institutions that are operating seismographs to install eqServer so we can get their data accessible by Quick Quake. Looks like we have some work ahead of us in 2014!
Next year the exhibition will be in the same hall as the posters (where most people spend their spare time), so it would be good if we can come back and connect with some more geoscientists.
– Adam