eqFocus is the perfect partner to Waves. With data from three or more seismograph stations you can pass arrival times and amplitudes from eqWave to eqFocus and let it do the location and magnitude calculations for you. You can customise earth models, enter your own place names and station response information, view earthquakes in Google Earth or Maps, and more.
eqFocus features:
- in-built vector maps, with a global low-resolution map and the ability to display local high resolution maps at the appropriate zoom level
- customisable earth models
- local Richter and other magnitude calculations
- use the built-in MySQL database, or connect to an eqServer database
- built-in database editor for places (city, town, etc) and seismic station locations
- import stations, places and response information from an eqServer database
- history of location revisions
Please download the eqFocus User Manual that showcases all of the application’s features in detail.