The professional range of Gecko seismographs and accelerographs has been redesigned for 2020 to integrate existing and new sensor technologies in a smaller and more modular body.

The new sensor housing at the base of the Gecko “Pro” body has been designed to accomodate a variety of velocity and accelerations sensors from several high quality sensor manufacturers in the USA. All Gecko Pro series sensors share a common casing, whether you need a short period Tremor seismograph to monitor local earthquakes, a strong motion SMA-HR accelerograph for structural monitoring of dams or buildings, or a portable broadband Prism seismograph for regional earthquake monitoring.
The main Gecko body is 13.6cm (5.4″) in diameter and under 20cm (8″) high. It has an optional internal backup battery that provides up to 24 hours of runtime if mains power is interrupted, or it can be powered continuously using a small battery/solar system in the field. The Gecko has a central mounting hole through the entire body, making secure installation possible with a single-anchor.
All models are triaxial – i.e. they measure motion in the North-South, East-West and Up-Down directions – and the new SMA-HR is omni-directional, meaning that you can mount it at any angle and the Gecko will still have full monitoring range in these axes. The sensor orientation can be corrected in our Waves analysis software, available free here.

Accessories include a GeckoLink module that provides Ethernet and WiFi networking, external USB backup storage, and a SeedLink server for ease of data integration into existing networks.
Pricing for the Gecko Pro series of digital sensors starts at around USD $5000. Email for more information.